36 Poètes illustres chinois – 三十六詩仙
35 – 陳與義 – Chen Yuyi – ちん よぎ (1090-1139) : l’imagination
字 : 去非
号 : 簡齊 (Qufei)
Enseignant, exil de 4 ans, fuit au sud lors de la chute des Song du Nord, ministre d’état à la cour de Lin’an.
Poésie longtemps négligée, réévaluée pour sa vive imagination.
Poème du Shisendô
Dessin à l’encre d’un ume
Un prunier à Jiangnan à la floraison brillante comme la reine Yu
J’ai passé tant de printemps depuis lui avoir dit au revoir
Et maintenant que je vois le prunier dans la capitale, son apparence n’a pas changé
Quelle tristesse que la poussière noire tache sa blancheur
Reine Yu : Yang Guifei
ただ黒い塵が白衣を黒く染めるのが恨めしい *2* 題名の「墨梅」は水墨画の梅のこと。*1 玉妃:楊貴妃(楊玉環)のこと。楊貴妃はしばしば梅の花に喩えられた。
*2 黒い塵:洛陽(世俗)の黒い塵が白絹の着物(玉妃の衣/白梅の花瓣)を染めていること。(水墨画では白梅も墨で描かれるため、また実際に洛陽の塵の黒さを指す。)
The Ink Plum Flower
The plum tree in Jiangnan, whose flowers blossom brightly like Queen Yu *1
Oh how many springs have I spent since I said goodbye to her
As I now meet the plum tree in the capital, her appearance has never changed since a long time ago
The only pity is that the black dust has stained her white garment *2
The title”墨梅”(literally, ink plum)refers to plum trees / flowers in ink paintings.
1 Queen Yu: Refers to Yang Guifei (Yan Yuhuan). She was often compared to a white plum flower.
2 black dust: Refers to the way the dust in the city of Luoyang (a worldly place) has stained the white silk garment (the garment of the queen/the white petals of the plum flowers). Black dust refers to both the blackness of the painted plum flowers (because in ink paintings, even white plum flowers are drawn with black ink) and the actual blackness of the dust in Luoyang City.
Autre poème
- Pléiade : 684, 1371
- https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E9%99%B3%E4%B8%8E%E7%BE%A9
- http://www5a.biglobe.ne.jp/~shici/shi4_08/pbt_shi161.htm
- https://www.jstor.org/stable/495280?seq=1#page_scan_tab_contents
- https://read01.com/O3yE4j.html
18 – 陳與義-Chen Yuyi & 曽幾-Zeng Ji (曾幾)
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